Saturday, July 30, 2011
superb stars iloveyou <3

aisha iloveyoumore <3
19-07-2011 FINAL DEBATE
okay time ni final debate, time ni aku syafik and hazmie jadi debaters
asyraaf pulak jadi reserve :) aku jadi 1st speaker,
syafik 2nd and hazmie 3rd speaker.
gahhhhh nervous gila time ni. naik stage jee ramai gila students
bagi tepukan kat kitaorang :D seronok wow.
beberapa minit kemudian,
we as a government team and i as the first speaker
dijemput untuk bagi one argument untuk opposition team.
and the motion is: student should take up sport after school.
aku pun bagi laa point yang pertama.
seterusnya syafik dan seterusnya hazmie, lepas dah habes semua
sampai replying speech,
syafik; awin, kau rasa kita boleh menang?
aku: insyaallah.
syafik: hazmie, kau rasa kita boleh menang tak?
hazmie: insyaallah.
syafik: aku tak nak kita kalah, kalau boleh nak menang
sebab time KAT haritu dah kalah and tak nak malu kan teacher lagi.
aku; yess syafik insyaallah kita menang. :)
time mengumumkan pemenang untuk final debate cometition...
miss speaker like to inform student that the winner is.........
OHMYGOD, aku syafik and hazmie:
ALHAMDULILLAH kita menang :D
and we have a few of photos ;)
thanks god <3
17-07-2011 JUSCO TEBRAU
tarikh ni aku pegi jalan jat jusco dengan aisha, apis,
syafik, and aida. sedih jugak laa
kaddy takde :(
takpe next time keluar kita jalan same ehh khadraa :)
dun worry laaa. btw thanks apis sebab fulfill
and make my dream come true :)
yess happy sangat dapat dating dengan syafik hahaa :D
walaupun sekejap. it's okay.
balik jee dari jusco ikut aisha jaga kedai.
ingat kan tak best rupanya seronok.
dari pukul 8 p.m untill almost 2 a.m. fuhhhh lama tak?
best sebab dapat berkenalan dengan warga kedai tuu :)
especially dengan someone tuu.
he's adorable you know? fewittt ;)
three days in happy mood <3
thankss aisha bawak pegi jalan jalan
makan chicken chop.
because of them i am happy.
iloveyou aisha<3
iloveyou apis<3
iloveyou syafik<3
take time to updating :)
nak update something ni,
nnt laa kejap.
tunggu ehh. bila dah update nnt
anda anda akan di beritahu :)
okay laa peace assalamualaikum followers <3
Friday, July 15, 2011
adik adik ku yg comel aisha dan apis :)
okay, malam ni melepak jelaa buang masee
apee lagi :| bersama siti aisha abdul latiff dan apis zulkarnain <3
-dari pukul 9p.m untill 11.15p.m-
-youtube, facebook, blog and games-ing :)-
Saturday, July 9, 2011
thankss a lot guy :'(
all the time i am sad at homee.
i wish you were be there but not for her.
ahhh whatever happen i hate you moree after this.
why you need to be a liar?
just be honest that you are with her.
no need to trick me with like words laaaa :|
aku tak heran kau nak keluar dengan dia tapi cakap laa.
kau punya plan bukan dengan dia kan?
soo then?
apee ni, aku ni kawan dengan kau lagi lama
than her tapi apee kau buat kat aku.
ish aku tebal muka jelaa tadi jumpe kau. bengang
tak bengang laa aku tadi.
aku bukan nak merajuk ke ape laaa.
tapi cara kau ni dah buat aku kecik hati laa.
tu punn kalau kau kesah pasal kawan kau ni laaa.
kalau tak kesah just ignore this entry.
ni punn kalau kau baca la ehh :|
dah laaa tak payah nak kawan dengan aku lagi.
i'm not like your other friends who
moree hotstuff, pretty, versatyle
and etc. sebab tu kau biar aku jalan sorang-2 kat bandar tadi macam orang gilaa.
but i'm here just to be the best friend of yours.
i am got regret right now to be here home :(
i'm sad and a little bit hurt with you mama,
najib and you that wanna see and
try to get trouble with me.
urgh! i am not in mood seriously. come on laaa
kenapee dengan semua orang ni?
ehemm thank god because this happens to me not him or her :'(
i'm happy for you, because i'm still your friends to me
i don't know hows on you guy.
no matter what thanks again do all of this to me today.
ehemm :( takecaree byebyeee.
today is my bad-est day ever :'( thankss again.
from your friend ; izwinnisaa norazman :(
Friday, July 8, 2011
gonna be alone this week :(
sobs sobss :'(
a little bit saddd :'(
hmmm haritu beria suruh aku balik
now aku dah balik, sibuk dengan hal masing-masing
ehhh kalau tahu macam ni aku tak
balik pun takpee laa kan :(
aku ni dh laa sometimes jee balik, tu punn tak nak layan. whathehell laa :( geram plus pluss sakit hati plus pluss kecik hati plus pluss :'( sampai hati korang kan? finee laa kawan. aku ni tempat korang mengadu jee, bukan nyee diperlukan sangat punn, nevermind okayy. aku finee jee takdee korang. after this kalau aku balik, aku tak kan inform kat sape sapee pun laa. aku inform ke tak inform kee samee jee. :(
aku kecik hati hell dengan korang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crying on alone lonely situation ;'(
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