Saturday, April 16, 2011

thanksssmuchieemuch :)

norashikin faaiz
fatin aqilah hamid


thankss cause teman i semalam. :) ehee
even kita keluar tak lama
as long as kita dapat jumpa jadi laa kan eheee :D
sooo happy yesterday <3
norashikin i have something p/s for you;
take a good care of your adekk fatin aqilah okay?
be her accompany when i'm not at the girl's side :)
pleaseee thankyouu ;)

if you read this shikin, pleasee send regards to;
-amezul fitri-
-maly yap-
-idham abu bakar-
-adha shahari-
-hanafi bhari-
-lolaa elle-
-shahrul nizam-
-muhammad najib-
-muhammad iqmal-
-syed mohd amir-
-eyaa umairah-
-fatin nadhirah-
-ammar imran-
thats all kott HAHA :P

i will meet you soon babies, dont worry ;)
hehehehee, p/s to amezul fitri;
dont you ever make fatin sakit hati or kecil hati okayy,
i balik nanti dia mengadu apa''
wacth youu (!) okay?
jangan nak arrogant sgtt bila dah jadi org tuu.
dengan akuu boleh gurau''
tapi hati kawan jaga jugaa laa ehh sygg.

okayyokayy, thats all jelaa untuk harini.
dah nakk balik hostel dahh
petang nii. btw, jaga diri okay semua.
iloveeyouumuchmuchh :P
iwillmisssyouuumuchmuch ;)
domeettagainnndarlinggs :D

flyingg kisses, bigestt hugss for you
from izwinnisaa norazman :)